Accepting Gender

Accepting Gender

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Accepting Gender:
An ACT Workbook for Trans and Non-Binary People

by Alex Stitt

Sometimes it is difficult to identify and express our genuine gender identity. When we don't fit the ideal, the gender role, or the social script, we can feel trapped in ourselves. This "stuck" feeling is often reinforced by intrusive thoughts, mental rigidity, and self-judgement. Where do you even begin?

Non-binary counselor, Alex Stitt, lays the foundations for addressing these feelings with reflective exercises and activities rooted in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) that help you understand what gender is, the spectrum of different gender identities, how to identify and accept your gender, coming out, self-actualization and much more.

This interactive and humanizing workbook will help you identify your values so you can accept and embody what's most important to you in your gender exploration.

9781839974328, paperback

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